Wyoming Sex Offender Search

Wyoming Sex Offender Registries

The Wyoming Sex Offender Registry was established under amended sex offender registry laws in 2007. The laws allowed sex offender information to be stored on the Internet and to list all sex offenders that are registered in the state. The Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation is responsible for the maintenance of the site and they do their best to ensure that all information is as accurate as possible.

How do you find out why someone is in Jail or Prison?
You can contact the Clerk of the Court to get the transcripts of the case and the sentencing where they were adjudicated or USE SEARCH FORM below.

Wyoming Offender List

Offender Name Physical Appearance Address
Michael James Huff
Offender Michael James Huff
>>>New Information
race : White,
hair: Brown,
eyes: Hazel,
height: 5"11"", weight: 239 9999 - OTHER CRIME
Offense Date: September 04, 2020
Wyoming State Registry
CASPER, WY, 82604

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1 thought on “Wyoming Sex Offender Search”

  1. James Percy Scott’s offense date was January 2006…he was incarcerated in 2007. I’m his exwife. It was my daughter he assaulted.


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